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Clinical Care

Heart Care

At each prenatal as your midwife I look out for you and your baby. The clinical care I give is a lot like you would expect in any practice.
❥ Reassessing dates
❥ Measuring the growth of your baby
❥ Listening to your baby's heart tones
❥ Asking about your baby's movements
❥ Assessing your baby's position
❥ Assessing your liver and kidney function
Taking your blood pressure
❥ Documenting your weight
❥ Providing a urine test
❥ Complete laboratory care offered
❥ Going over previous Obstetric care
❥ Ultrasound referral offered when needed

If you have received care in the past for pregnancy, you may notice a few differences. Besides the clinical care mentioned on this page you can expect at least some emotional heart care such as:
❥ Spiritual guidance 
❥ Personal relationships
❥ Body image confidence
❥ Emotional guidance affected by hormonal changes
❥ A deep connection encouraged between you and your baby

❥ Nutritional instruction
❥ Life style education
❥ Words of affirmation
❥ Enouraging a bond between you and your partner

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Opening hours by Appointment

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Mon - Thu 10am - 6pm

PHONE: (304) 320-1126

FAX: (844) 368-4077


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